Megjelent András Orsolya első szólólemeze, amelyen a számára legkedvesebb tájegységek dallamait jeleníti meg. A gondosan kiválogatott zenei anyag egyik részén a székely népzene régi rétegét a felcsíki, kászoni, gyergyói és Gyimes-völgyi énekes és hangszeres dallamok teszik ki.
The FolkFest Cultural Association, founded in 2018, proposes to promote young and especially talented folk musicians through issuing CDs, editing online platforms, and organising their concerts.
All members of the association have long experience as cultural experts, teachers and organisation leaders. Most importantly, they are open-minded to work together with folk musicians and dancers. They have regular personal contact, share best practices, plan projects ahead and evaluate past and ongoing ones together.
FolkFest has already issued many musical CDs. Their folk musicians have been awarded prizes, such as the Juniour Prima Prize, the Young Master of Folk Arts Award.
Additionally, FolkFest’s methodology includes preserving cultural heritages and researching the public education of folk arts. The focus is on exchanging best practices among the cultural experts in the Visegrad 4 countries in order to built career models, to implement innovations, and to improve community scenes.